jeudi, août 17, 2006

Rimbaud in Nadsat

Nomad-Yahudis of Norway, govorit me the snyeg.

Rimbo was a horrosho poyet, who died molodoy.

@@ J'ai fait la magic etude
Du bonheur que nul n'elude.

Nadsat: I've made d'volshebn izuchenye of d'stchastya
shto nikto ubegs.

He hecho la estudia mahica
del felicidad que nadie elude.

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Yo, I met with my starey droogs at the Karova Bar, but we didn't have any snyeg (no dyengey in the taman).

Anonyme a dit...

Bolshoi spasibo for the informatsia.
But what are taman & Karova?
For taman, d'ya znachit "karman"?

I s'pose Nadsat is a lot like Stadin slangi.'Cep Helsingin kansa prefer Polish spirit.

Anonyme a dit...

Ooooh, Ludwig Van is not as molodoy as me, his nadsat is not ocean horrorshow any more. Da, you are pravda, his taman is your karman. The Karova Bar is where we all meet for some molocow and ultra violence. Stadin Slangi? You must govorish with Leningrad Cowboys. (Or is it Saint Petersburg Cowboys now?)

Novlangue a dit...

Still Leningrad (to be renamed Lennongrad) according to Wiki.

Yaa only znat les Cowboys Fringants
(and only a malenky).


20.8.6 17:35