The official Public Relations for Britain is this nice law-abiding little country, based on Magna Carta.
What, then, to think of the revelations in the current trial of 7 British Army torturers in Iraq? First up, the Corporal Payne (or corporeal pain), who particularly enjoyed beating up someone he called "Grandad" - at one point, if you can believe it, actually trying to gouge out his eyes with his fingers!
Luckily, he failed.
So where was Magna Carta? Where was Habeas corpus? Where were all these great Anglo-Saxon laws?
6 commentaires:
And why are all those british soldiers in Iraq, anyway?
(At the time of the Magna Carta, there were no americans to lead brittons astray ...)
Privyet, your Royal Hyness.
Los britanicos son en Iraq por causa del assalto su Nuevo York.
Que est' invasion sea par' el buen o par' el mal, la tortura debe de ser inacceptable.
Los gringos estan a Runnymede, porque son implicitamente parte de los ingleses (no Britons, en 1215)!
Hasta la vista. 23.9.06 12:15
New York? Iraq? Iraq didn't have anything to do with that ... or did they after all? (Jeg vedder hodet mitt på at det ikke var Irak som sto bak).
But, you're right. Make torture history. (And not history torture, by the way).
And leave Guantanamo to Castro.
Si, Irak var det ikke som sto bak. Det var situasjonen i Palestina. Men Bush er Satan og interesser sej ikke om fair-playen, sannheten etc.
Guantanamo tilhoeyre til de Kubaner, ikke Kastro, som er 100+ aar gammal.
24 sep 17:05
Si, un bon amico del commandante Castro, le presidente venezuelan Chavez, recentemente revelava le vertate concernente le presidente Bush ...
Grandad? Maybe he thought it was Castro's Granma. That's no excuse, of course.
By the way, why are all those comments leading back to Castro? Must be something special there ...
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