mardi, septembre 26, 2006

Gangsters - choirboys with guns

From the Polly Toytown dictionary.

Los gangsters - ninyos de cor con armas de fuego.

Die Gangsters - bewaffnete Chorknaben. (Seid nett zu ihnen - die brauchen nua Verstaendnis)

(Scots) - choirbairns wi' guns.

(Sv) Sangbarn med boessar. (We are obliged to our learned Viking friend, Mr Morten/Martein Svendsen for the correction. His website has our highest recommendation.)

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit...

Si, toto pro le securitate! :-) Ma un bysse es le cocina de un barca. Io pensa que bevepnede korgutter prefere un børse ... ma forsan illos non debe saper isto.

Novlangue a dit...

Ja, bysse es svensk, nit wohr?

30 Sept

Anonyme a dit...

Svenskene sier "bössa" ...

Novlangue a dit...

Takk, Munchy.