jeudi, septembre 28, 2006

Schweiz/Suisse/Svizzera/Svizra. - 20 paroli in Romantsch

il uffant - il bambino; l'enfant, Friulan 'bambin'
il genitur - le parent (pere/mere). Ital genitore
la chasa - la maison; la casa; Friul chase. Apparement ch=sch
il cudesch - il libro; le livre. Ce mot 'cudesch' semble unique
la dunna - la femme; la donna; Lat. domina 'la dame'

ina - una
emprim/pruem = premier, primo, ersht
l'agid - il aiuto, l'aide, Friul jutori
dumengia - domenica, dimanche
ha scrit - ha scrit(to), a ecrit

oz - oggi, aujourd'hui, esp. hoy
la minoritad
ingun - ninguno, aucun
il poevel - il popolo, ang. people, gal. pobl
il dret uman - il dirito umano, le droit humain

la ledscha - la legge, la, esp la ley
il lavur - il lavoro, le travail/la labeur, ang. labor, gal llafur (pron. hlavir)
aigna - proprio, propre. le seul mot qui semble etre de l'allemand (eigen)
savair - sapere.

mardi, septembre 26, 2006

Gangsters - choirboys with guns

From the Polly Toytown dictionary.

Los gangsters - ninyos de cor con armas de fuego.

Die Gangsters - bewaffnete Chorknaben. (Seid nett zu ihnen - die brauchen nua Verstaendnis)

(Scots) - choirbairns wi' guns.

(Sv) Sangbarn med boessar. (We are obliged to our learned Viking friend, Mr Morten/Martein Svendsen for the correction. His website has our highest recommendation.)

lundi, septembre 25, 2006

DUDH/UDHR. Article 20(2) in Esperanto, Interlingua etc.

Necun pot' esser obligat a pertiner a un associatio. (Interlingua)

Nemiu estu devigit' aparten' al asocio. (Esperanto)

On ne darfas koaktur ulu apartener ad asociuro. (Ido - rarement si different de l'Esperant0)

Homo nemo, ut congregationi intersit, potest cogi.
(Latin) intersit=appartenir, blong. congregatio < grex "troupeau, Herde".

Nolu n'pout-esse fwerci de fe parteye d'ine association. (Wallon - le francais des Belgico). fe=faire

Keinem tor men zwingen, zu wern a Mitglitt vun wosser-nit-is Varbont. (Yiddish, deitsh-geshribben). tor=darf

Nimmen mei twonged wurde, om by in feriening te hearren. (Frisk/Friesisch von NL, oder West-Friesish.) in = een

Eingin kann veidha noyddur at vera limur i felag. (Foroysk) limur - cf. the limb (le membre). felag cf. the fellow (le compagnon)

Engen mann maa neydha til adh veri felagi. (Islensk)

Canada. Le King Ralph Klein s'en va

Apres 12 ans, le P.M. d'Alberta, le Tory Ralph Klein, va partir. On nous assure.

Et bien sur certains blogueurs celebrent deja. C'etait un dzictateur. C'est vous dzire, il est elu en 2004. Mais la campagne electorale n'etait pas tres mouvementey.

Oui, mais quand meme on etait libre de voter ou Liberal ou P.N-D. (Parti de la gauche novlanguiste.) Si les "Grits" ne reussissent pon a battre un Bleu, c'est pas forcement un dzictateur.

samedi, septembre 23, 2006

GB. "In care"

There are 60,000 children in care i.e. in the care of social workers. Every year 6,000 are dumped - yes, dumped - on the street. A quarter become homeless. Most have no educational qualifications.

On ly 1 in a 100 goes to university. As against 40+ in a 100 for the general population.

All this depressing stuff according to Harriet Sargeant of the Centre for Policy Studies (centre-right).

If the Government can't look after the very unfortunate children in its care, why the hell should we give it more power over children still living with their parents?

(Traitement des enfants de l'Assistance public brittanic.)

vendredi, septembre 22, 2006

GB. Magna Carta & torture

The official Public Relations for Britain is this nice law-abiding little country, based on Magna Carta.

What, then, to think of the revelations in the current trial of 7 British Army torturers in Iraq? First up, the Corporal Payne (or corporeal pain), who particularly enjoyed beating up someone he called "Grandad" - at one point, if you can believe it, actually trying to gouge out his eyes with his fingers!
Luckily, he failed.

So where was Magna Carta? Where was Habeas corpus? Where were all these great Anglo-Saxon laws?

lundi, septembre 18, 2006

Suede. Les elections. Resultats.

Moderes 97 (55)
Centre (Fermiers) 29 (22)
Parti Populaire (Lib) 28 (48) Peut-etre un rajustement - en 1998 ils n'avait que 17 sieges
Chretiens 24 (33)

Democrates sociaux 130 (144) Semi-fascistes
Parti de la gauche 22 (30) Euphemisme pour communiste. En 2006!
Milieu 19 (17) Verts pales - amis des communistes, qui ont
empoisonne l'URSS (Lac Baikal etc.)

dimanche, septembre 17, 2006

Young Norse - born sinful??!!

Accidentally went to Norway's Christian paper, Dagen, stedda Dagbladet.
Dagen - has a poll about why young Norse are little interested in the Man of Nazareth.

33% - weak Christian upbringing
28% - bad example from Christians
23% - materialistic attitude

BORN SINNERS???!!!! What the f*** is that supposed to mean????

Norvege/Norwegen - Religion/Glaube

samedi, septembre 16, 2006

Arcaicam Esperantom, what a HOOT!!!

Just discovered via the most esteemed Wikip' that some crazy bloke has invented an Ur-Esperant called Arcaicam Esperantom. Sof far, I've only discovered one text, namely the Lord's Prayer or Utsi Nash of the Droogs (i.e. Vaterunser).

Patrom noses, cuyu estas en chielom

(Patro nia, kiu estas en la c^ielo)

[Je viens de decouvrir via Wikipedia qu'un mec genial a invente l'ancetre d'Esperanto. Jusqu'a date je ne trouve qu'un texte, le Paternotre - Notre pere, qui etes aux cieux...]

a voir aussi "Esperantido" pour autres derivations. Aussi un article qui indique que la Novlangue d'Orwell etait invente a ... Paris. Bien avant la montee de M. Chirac. La tante d'Orwell (qui etait lui-meme un quart francais) co-habitait avec le celebre Esperantiste "Lanti". De la, par exemple, "ungood" pour 'malbona'.

dimanche, septembre 10, 2006

Nadsat. Ibsen.

Yo my droogies. This is Henrik, son of Ib. M'man Novlangue is g'na translate summa my groovy stuff into Nadsat. Checkez-le.

"Take the zhizn-lie from yer average vyek, an' ya takin' away his radost at the same vrem."

(Ta De Livsloegnen fra et Gennemskittsmenneske , saa tar de Lykken fra ham med det samme.

"Never wear ya best pantaloni goan out t'fight for pravda 'n' justice."

jeudi, septembre 07, 2006

Arabic. How to pronounce al Qaida.

There are 3 choices:

1. Pronounce Q as glottal stop. I.e. "glo'al". Ask a (London) Cockney to pronounce "a better bit of butter." He'll say "a be'er bi'a bu'er" . This is the glottal stop and is similar to the Arabic Q.

2. Pronounce as in the Gulf (Gatar, UAE etc.) as a G. If you're asked why you're using the Gulf pronunciation, refer to your happy days there; if it turns out your questioner has been there, just change the subject.

3. Pronounce as in most of Egypt. Drop the Q altogether. Al Aida. (Not A-eeda)

Incidentally, al Gaida probably doesn't really mean the Foundation, but the military base. There was some speculation a few years ago as to whether Bin Loony had been inspired by Asimov's "Foundation & Empire". (See Wiki, I presume).

The root is Q ' D, meaning to sit (s'asseoir). I haven't yet found a Hebrew equivalent.

(Prononciation de Al Qaida/Qaeda. Arabische Aussprache von Q.)

Salaam/shalom. [The Malteser 'Sliema']

mercredi, septembre 06, 2006

GB. Shock as man no-one's heard of resigns.

The United Kingdom was rocked to its foundations as a junior minister of something or other resigned as a protest against Mr Blair not resigning. (To be replaced by Mr Gordon Brown, whose views appear to be identical.)

Naturally, the anti New Labour BBC has been expressing total bewilderment that Mr Blair is daring to ignore the man no-one's ever heard of.

[Nouveau Travail]