Maplin is a rapidly expanding chain of cheapo electronic stores. Below actual stuff from their Xmas/Yule catalog. Comments are mine.
Radio-controlled Sky Challenger Battle Pack - "air combat has never been so much fun!"
(What about USAAF attax on Afghan wedding parties? - Naa, that's air to surface) . £40
Radio-controlled tarantula. Life-sized. £20. (Terrify your nabers)
Remote-con Stunt Granny. £13. Granny does stunts in her wheelchair.
Granny racers desktop slot racing set. £10. 2 grannies race in wheelchairs on Scalextric-type track.
Radio-con Sumo battles. £15. 2-prayer radio-contorred sumo batter game. Very ha-ha.
Laser Attack. £25. For 2 children.
Shocking ball. £10. Emits random electic shocks. Suitable for over 16s. (Surely that should be under 16s?)
Alien invasion elec. target game. £25. Shoot illegal immigrants. & Svedes.
Desktop Whack-a-Mouse. £10. Not suitable for animal-rights cry-babies, such as de Dierenpartij. nl
Pub Quiz elec. game .£15. Comes with tape of drunken shouting.
10-million candle power super torch. £20. Destroy the candle industry.
CCtv camera. £60. Do you have Progress Party or DFP naibers? Find out what they're up to!
2 commentaires:
Kewl. Must put one of them anti swede guns on my wishlist.
Excellente idée. Je vais join you.
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