Des partisans de Darwin nie que quand il a parlé de la "Survival of the fittest*", c'est exactement ce qu'il a voulu dire. Des autres hommes disent qu'il a souhaité l'extermination des aborigenes de l'Australie ("abos").
Voici la synthese: Darwin avait de la sympathie pour les abos qui allaient etre annihilés. Mais il pensait que c'était inévitable, et, finalement, une bonne chose. Le marche du progres!
Ironiquement, la capitale de la Territoire du nord s'appelle - Darwin. Qu'en pensent les Abos?
* Survie des plus aptes. Ueberlebung der Staerxten.
8 commentaires:
Are you being serious, or are you trolling a bit? :)
Si si, serioso. Porque no?
Ancora un shooting a Nordhurbru (islensk)!
If it's not a personal question, are you a creationist?
(The reader will no doubt appreciate the hidden Python quote!)
Business as usual in Nørrebronx...
Darwinismo - observation o imperativo? Ecce le demanda.
Quel est la citation de MPFC.
Tu pote posar qestiones personal. Det er opp til dej! Eo va evitar de responder, porque le message es del derectos humans.
Noerrebronx! Eccelente!
Quando (?) sorte tu del chaise rolante (Rollstuhl)?
Substitute 'creationist' with 'virgin', and you have a quote from LoB. ([Eric Idle] to Brian's mother.)
(Btw. I didn't mean to imply that there was anything wrong with being a creationist. :))
I'm trying to wean myself off the wheelchair gradually, but I do still use it. (I'm sitting in it right now, as it is more comfortable than my armchair!) Thanks for asking.
I can't take credit for 'Nørrebronx' - it's been in use for years, but of course it is getting more and more accurate these days.
Cher M. Like-round-the-middle-of-the-earth
Je connais poco la vie de Brian (Brian=Jebus Price, no?)
Tu vas, bien sur, entrer le marathon de Wheelchair, nej? C'est déja moins de 1hr30.
Nórrebronx est quand meme excellent, whoever l'a inventé.
Fire at will, shoot to kill.
Vendredi 8 mai. 11:26
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