Dark goings-on chez American Atheists. Their chief, Ellen Johnson, has stepped down. First it was given out that she was leaving off her own bat for "personal reasons". Then that she had left "involuntarily". I.e. had been sacked! So the 1st statement was a lie. From the holier-than-thou atheists who always respect the truth. To date, no explanation has been announced. Secretive, no?
More interesting is the story of her predecessor, Madalyn (sic) O'Hair (sic). She disowned one of her sons in 1980 after he converted to the hated Christianity (1).
Then, 1995, she disappeared with her husband and another son.
In 2001, the former office manager of Mercan Atheists was found guilty of kidnapping them, forcing them to withdraw their money, then killing them. He also murdered an accomplice. Later in 1995 most of the money was stolen by another gang, who had a key to the safe deposit.
(1) He was an alcoholic druggie, but this is quite normal in Christian America.
10 commentaires:
Interessante - atheistas in le pais de Deo mesme? Ma, si le christianos american sovente es alcoholistas, proque le capite del atheistas era un de illos?
Ole Hoiland? (Initialment io l'ai read como Holland). Altero obscuro film in dano-norvegian. "Master thief" non es commun in anglese. Nur in Bob Dylan's "If I were a master thief, perhaps I'd rob them." (Positivement 4e rue.)
Atheistas. How unlike the home-life of our own dear Nynoshk KrFP. Pour ne rien dire of dear Siv Jensen, qui defend l'Occident des hordes islamics.
Boris Johnson
Ah si, tote ille christianos, como Sra. Jensen, qui domina le societates scandinave con lor ideas fossile e lor exigentias constante.
In Danmark nos ha p.ex. le secta christian Faderhuset con 50 membros, qui opina que homosexualitate es un peccato e que on debe sequer strictemente le regulas de un vetule libro.
Il es bon que nos non cognosce altere religiones hic con credentias tanto disagradabile e un fide tanto forte. ;-)
Si, Christianismo fundamental como sol religion permittite in le paises nordic! (Con le addition del Åsatru, naturalmente.)
Sra Jensen non canta tanto bellemente como sr Berlusconi, ma su ideas non es tanto mal ...
"le regulas de un vetule libro"?
Qual? Hamlet?
Mi car conte, io es toto de accordo con vos. Christianismo debe esser le sol religion - que il es permittite odiar!
Solmente per odiar nostre proprie cultura e idolisar tote alteres (non importa qual valores illos porta) pote nos expiar le peccatos del christianismo e del era de colonisation.
Totes qui non es de accordo es racialistas. :-)
Tøger Seidenfaden in interlingua ... - le nove redactor de Panorama?
Thoeger Silkpath/Chemin de soie?
Panorama? Le seul programme de la bbc qui est de droite? Je suis sur que le redacteur n'est pas neither Danois nor Interlinguan.
Perhaps c'est Siv Jensen. Ou sa soeur danoise.
Good comment tho'. Et anybody qui disagrees avec cela est un raciste.
mardi 13/5 17:50
Si Seidenfaden vermente es le nove redactor del Panorama, io pensa que ille probabilemente va relancear le journal in forma electronic - nos ja ha attendite durante longe tempore.
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