Even the Conservative Canadian P.M., Mr Steven Harper, has turned against George Bush, admired by hip-hop gangster 50 Cent as a really cool fellow gangster. Exasperated by Gangster One's bully-boy tactics. Such as ignoring the NAFTA agreement and attempting to prevent Canadian wood exports to the US and being obstructive on the Canadian border in the name of security and the War of Terror. Mr Harper, not known for his green credentials, is even taken aback by Gangster 1's rejection of any green initiatives. So Mr Harper is looking forward to the next President.
Meme le P.-M. canadien, M. Steven Harper, tourne contre Georges Bush, le modele a imiter du gangster hip-hop, 50 Cent. Exaspere par les attitudes tyranniques de Gangster 1. P.ex., d'ignorer le traite NAFTA et tenter d'interdire le bois franc canayen d'entrer aux Etats. Et d'etre obstructif sur la frontiere au nom de la "Securite" et la Guerre de terreur. M. Harper, peu connu pour ses bonnes intentions ecolo, critique Gangster 1 pour sa rejection de toute initiative verte.
Alors M. Harper va accueiller le prochain president avec soulagement.
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