lundi, février 18, 2008

Liverpool 1-2 Barnsley

How much longer can Rafa survive?

Meanwhile Man Utd beat Premier team after Premier team. And they have sir Alec Fergie. He's not English, but at least he's British. Och aye.

Late news: L 2-0 I.M. Rafa survives a little longer. Odd fact/fatto curioso : Inter have only won the EuroCup 2ce : 64 & 65. AC, however, have won 7 times.

samedi, février 09, 2008

Wikipedia : un entrata forsan unic

E tempore de scriber un poco in Interlingua.

E 2 linguas per un entrata su il concepto islandesa de "hreppur" (municipio).

Islandese et ....Nochhon. Et iste lingua e : il Chechen. Una combinatio unic?

jeudi, février 07, 2008

Canadian PM turns against Mr Bush

Even the Conservative Canadian P.M., Mr Steven Harper, has turned against George Bush, admired by hip-hop gangster 50 Cent as a really cool fellow gangster. Exasperated by Gangster One's bully-boy tactics. Such as ignoring the NAFTA agreement and attempting to prevent Canadian wood exports to the US and being obstructive on the Canadian border in the name of security and the War of Terror. Mr Harper, not known for his green credentials, is even taken aback by Gangster 1's rejection of any green initiatives. So Mr Harper is looking forward to the next President.

Meme le P.-M. canadien, M. Steven Harper, tourne contre Georges Bush, le modele a imiter du gangster hip-hop, 50 Cent. Exaspere par les attitudes tyranniques de Gangster 1. P.ex., d'ignorer le traite NAFTA et tenter d'interdire le bois franc canayen d'entrer aux Etats. Et d'etre obstructif sur la frontiere au nom de la "Securite" et la Guerre de terreur. M. Harper, peu connu pour ses bonnes intentions ecolo, critique Gangster 1 pour sa rejection de toute initiative verte.
Alors M. Harper va accueiller le prochain president avec soulagement.

The world's oldest woman? La mulher plus ancian?

According to the increasingly unreliable Guinness, the world's oldest oldie is 115 and American.
But according to the Spanish equivalent of the Guardian (posh left), El Pais, it's a 116 year old gypsy woman living in a shanty town in Sevilla (Andalucia).

Her ID card shows she was born in Granada (Andalucia) in 1892, but the date of the ID card is not given.

The area is full of rubbish & rats. The Council have offered her family a £400,000 house but they are suspicious because it has only a 6 month lease and they think once she dies, they will be evicted and unwelcome back in the shanty town.

El Pais, Saturday 2/2. (the double 2, for any Chinese readers)

mercredi, février 06, 2008

Bergen is really Bjoergvin

I discovered recently that the most serene Hanseatic city should really be called Bjoergvin. The trolls mangle Norsk and say it Bergen. Because they prefer Stadin Slangi of Helsingfors.

But many young Bergeners call it "Bjoerkvin", imagining it is named after the great Icelandic/Eskimo, one of the three looniest women inna world, with Yoko Ono & Susan Sarandon.