Deutsche Maedels 2 : 0 Brasil Senhoritas.
The German Walkyries retain the Cup. But what a nasty team. Crunching tackles. Pointless kicks every time the Brasilian girlies came near them. Fruktaensvaert.
3/4 place. US Babes 4:1 Noreg.
The Norse blondies destroyed their morale by listening to Death Metal before the match. So all they wanted to do was play chess with death.
As for the British they lost 3-0 in the QFs to the US super-babes. Not surprising, given their habit of falling over every time anyone came near them.
6 commentaires:
Kvifor feller dei? Eg trudde 'kje at kvinnorne i Bretland var so framtunge!
Framtunge? Nej, dom faller over paa backwards.
Somewhat Daisy Duck shaped, are they?
Nej, just too thin.
See "The real heroes of Telemark" by Ray Mears (bbc2) for more about the real heroes of Tel-E-Mark (A Viking phone company), namely Vinje & Ibsen.
(Olavsson? Var han islensk?)
Vendredi 5.10.07
Nie, Aasmund Olavsson Vinje was nie ein islender - he have komme ut Telemark in Norwege. Aber ... "Olavsson" is ein skrive-form ut de 20. jarhundrede. Vinje have leve in de 19. jh, en he have skrive "Olsen" als he skrive dansk en "Olafson" als he skrive de nuwe sprake van Aasen. Oftest he have skrive aber alein "A. O. Vinje".
Ha! Olsen=Olafson!
Sehr interessant/sore interesting.
mardi/dinsdah 9de
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