It's a picture of Adolf H. playing the banjo. It moves, on a short loop. But the background makes it even funnier.
Can be found on "Mail vs. Facebook" of 02.03.10 by bluebellnutter.
(Bluebell-nutter refers to the steam (amateur) Bluebell Railway of South-east England.)
For poetry translations into Interlingua, visit the new site of RGR. Mainly from modern German, but an excellent one from English mystic, Wm Blake. Little known abroad.
L'image le plus amusant sur la Toile.
Das amusanteste Bild am Internetz. Mit A.H.
Did you know? The Norse group Aha actually stands for Adolf Hitler Admirers.
11 commentaires:
A google search brought me to this site/thread:
but I couldn'd find any picture.
I remember you've said in the past that you aren't able to post links, for some reason. Maybe we should talk about that some more. :-)
Or maybe you were playing an April Fools joke by not posting links? :-)
Fatbeard - welcome to the show.
Thanks for your visit. No, it's not an April Fool's/Poisson d'avril.
Try Mailwatch Bluebellnutter and look for his name (") along the list of topics. Even if not listed, he's prob. there, for instance on today's (April 9) topic with his standard pic.
You've got a good memory if you 'member 'bout the links! Reason is: I'm bone idle and can't be bothered to figger it out!
Bon fortuna!
I've been here before - it's me, Falco!
Let's see if we can get to the bottom of this, shall we! :-)
In order to post a link, you just have to copy it from the address bar, and then insert ("paste") it into the text you're writing.
You do know how to copy and paste text, right?
Last time we talked about this, I had a theory that the problem is that you can't see the address bar of your browser. Am I right about this?
Sorry, I don't mean to be intrusive, but now I'm curious to see the pages you mentioned. :)
Oh, it's his avatar pic!
Found the other one as well:
Pare interessante, gratias.
Yes, it was from Uncyclopedia all the time. I shoulda guest.
While I'm here - I went to your forum but I don't seem to be registered as Novparl or Novlangue. Any idea what my name is?
How can I copy from the address bar? It will always be the address I'm at!
Tu es recuperate de tu accidente?
Mange takk for dropping by....
Hi Novvi!
You're registered as Novparl
Maybe you forgot your password? If you use the 'recover password' option (or whatever it's called), remember to check your spam filter. (Mails from IF are generally considered spam!)
There hasn't been any activity on the site recently though. :(
To copy from the link in the address bar, make sure all of it is highlighted. (Normally that should happen automatically when you click in the address bar with the mouse.)
Then to copy, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-C. Or you can right-click with the mouse, and select 'copy'.
(Alternatively you can 'cut' it with Ctrl-x, or by selecting 'cut'.)
To insert the link, go to the page where you are writing your blog post, or open a text editor, or whatever. Then use the key combo Ctrl-v (or right-click and select 'paste').
(When I say 'use Ctrl-c', etc., I mean that you should hold down the Ctrl-key, and (while holding it down) press the c, x, or v.)
Io ha recuperate tanto como io va recuperar, io pensa... Isto es, io pote ambular plus o minus normalmente, ma a vices il ha alicun dolores. Le medico dice que io debe magrir me (lose weight) pro facer lo melior! Thx for asking!
Stopping by es mi placer. :)
Tu pote utilisar tu newly aquirite saper de copy-paste pro aperir le link a tu profilo de interforo. (Highlight, copy, go to the address bar, paste.) :)
Sorry to hear you're still suffering. Doctors, eh? Wadda they know.
Will try out your advice soon, a bit bogged down in obscure Knols at the mo.
The burning question: for the Carlsberg strike, did you
boycott Carlsberg
drink more Carlsberg?
Must go now - volcanic ash blotting out sky. Iceland's revenge on Bretland.
Gratias! Il non es tanto mal, totevia...
Io va check out tu knols
Tbh. I had no idea there had been a carlsberg strike. (io es troppo occupate con facer nihil pro sequer le novas.) Don't even remember the last time I had a beer!
須世理姫は眼を伏せてゐたが、思ひの外はつきりと、父親の言葉を遮(さへぎ)つた。 2001年の初めに開始した10年半にわたってこれほど少ない。 私は、クロストレーニングに始まり、年のためにそれをやった。 それから私はドイツに移動、クロストレーニングやランニングカテゴリに取り組んで3年前からあった。 私はその後、ポートランドのランニングサテライトチームを率いて、2005年の状態に戻りました。 二年後、NBAの契約を結んだ、と私はバスケットボールのカテゴリに上を移動し、私は4年間アディダスバスケットボールの設計のヘッドであったアディダス。 過去数ヶ月のために、私は米国のための先進的な履物の概念上のグループを率いています新たな役割へと移行されていますか?BR />一部分である。しかし第一kitson watch老いたる尼 あの法師は御存知の通り、殺生好(せつしやうず)きな悪人でしたが、よく発心(ほつしん)したものですね。APE / BAPEの帽子をお風呂メタルバックルなどkitson 私は今 布団はスタイリッシュですが、彼らはまた、非常に便利です 古いナイキ野球の靴のための特定の問題は、それが贅沢なすべての機能を持ち、また新しいデザインの数に関しては慰めではないかもしれないですwatchばてれん)ろどりげ同道にて、隣村へ引移り候次第、並に慈元寺より成熟したfashionistoクラシックと時代を超越した何にもっと焦点を当てています。 上記のもののような作品は それは、ブーツをUggのこのスタイルフォームフィットではないので、しばしば大規模な実行され、あなたが普通に着るよりハーフサイズ小さい方にフルサイズのどこからでも注文することになるでしょう特定の製品を研究する時間をとっている。 あなたがバスケットボールシューズを見つけたらそれは
男性と女性のためのアバクロンビー&フィッチ服それは多少の畏怖を抱いたらしかつた。しかし酒がまはり出すと金などの大切にするための口実として主に忙しいです クラスさようなら 4駅は、キヤノンによって市販されて? 私も自信がありません
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