mercredi, octobre 14, 2009

Posties in mass suicide shock.

Britain's postmen have decided to take a leaf out of the book of the lemmings and commit mass suicide. Faced with massive job losses, they have decided to have even more job losses with a 3-day strike. The result is that the Royal Mail's blue chip customers, such as Amazon, are looking for alternative private companies. Soon the Posties will be pouring over the cliffs on their red bikes.

"If only the Almighty had not fixed his canon 'gainst self-slaughter." Hamlet, Prince of the Duck-pond.

Pronunciation tip : in degenerate modern English, Royal Mail is pronounced Raw Maiw.
Mail from French "malle" a trunk (in which the letters were put).

Les facteurs brittanics se sont voués à un suicide de masse. Face à des pertes massives d'emploi, ils vont faire la greve de trois jours. Leurs clients vont disparaitre en masse.

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